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Jewish Learning and Values

Selected Texts on Jewish Giving

If you are looking for some great short quotes on everything from Biblical laws about giving to collective and communal giving, check out this resource for a variety of Jewish texts for your next meeting.

Jewish Learning and Values

Amplifier Kapparot Program

This short activity to prepare for Yom Kippur walks you through a simple ritual, rooted in centuries of Jewish tradition. In twenty minutes and four short steps, you will set an intention for 5783, encounter Jewish wisdom, spin money over your head, and donate.

Videos and Tutorials

Asynchronous Giving Circle Quickstart Tutorials

Check out our 3-Part video on starting a giving circle! Split into three shorter, digestible pieces so you can go at your own pace.


Collaborative Family Giving at Temple Isaiah

Read how this temple created giving circles involving the whole family, even kids, in the giving process!

Videos and Tutorials

Collective Giving Landscape Webinar with Jewish Giving Circle Data 2024

Explore insights from the newly released Landscape of Collective Giving Research Study, from Philanthropy Together, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy and Colmena-Consulting. Not only does this research showcase the growth and diversity of collective giving groups across the United States, but we also have specific findings and insights from the Jewish Giving Circle movement.  We will zoom in on how collective giving endeavors are enhancing donor engagement, leadership development, and increased giving, and you will leave with actionable takeaways to implement within your organization.

Jewish Learning and Values

Deepening your conversations with Jewish Stories

This resource features a collection of Jewish stories and discussion prompts collected by Amplifier’s friends and educators Rabbi Avi Orlow and Jonah Canner. Each story includes key themes and suggested discussion questions to help you tie it to your circle’s work.

Giving Guides

A Family Conversation About Giving

This toolkit takes families through an accessible, interactive discussion about philanthropy.  Family members are invited to share about their giving values, what giving Jewishly means to them, and which organizations inspire them to give. This is a tool for families who give at any level, whether they are new to giving or have been giving for generations. Created in partnership with the Jewish Future Promise.


Amplifying our philanthropy

Learn more about how giving circles make an impact across the non-profit community, specifically Federations.

Jewish Learning and Values

Building my Jewish Philanthropic Lens

Words to Live By is a quote sheet designed to inspire conversations about Jewish values. With authors ranging from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, there is something for everyone in your giving circle.


Collective Giving Landscape Slides with Jewish-Specific Data

These slides were created for the Amplifier webinar on the Collective Giving Landscape research. They specifically highlight the data that was collected from the Jewish giving circles that participated in the survey. You can watch the webinar here.

This data is from the larger giving circle landscape survey that you can access here.

Jewish Learning and Values

Communicating in a holy community

This one-pager relates Jewish values to community norms for communicating. It may be a helpful start for establishing the "rules" around how your giving circle communicates, particularly around difficult topics.

Giving Guides

Friendsgiving Shabbat Guide

Friendsgiving Shabbat has become a yearly tradition when we weave together Thanksgiving themes, our friends, and the magic of Shabbat. Use this resource, created by Amplifier andOneTable, to spark a conversation about giving around the Shabbat table, just after or before Thanksgiving.

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